Samah Mustafa
Biography and Future Vision:
Samah Mustafa is a Palestinian singer, musician, vocalist and music therapist. Originally from the village of Kafr Kanna (Cana of Galilee), Samah’s works are imbibed with the rich cultural heritage of Palestinian folk songs passed over generations from mothers to ospring. Drawing on her roots, Samah’s lyrics tackle social taboos and cultural margins that are often brushed aside by social majorities.
Samah’s musical journey was inuenced by eastern modal classic singing and folk Arabic music, which she combines with contemporary music to develop her own unique musical style. In addition to being inuenced by instrumental music, Samah delves into the world of electronia, deploying her artistry through live looping.
Samah also fronts a band, writes, composes and arranges ambient, folk and experimental music based on vocal and various instrumental loops, musical images.